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What is the viscosity of oil? How often are the viscosities expressed?

Liquid by the external force, the internal frictionbetween the nature of molecules, called the viscosity. The nature of thisinteraction inside a liquid is called the viscosity of a liquid. Dynamicviscosity, also known as absolute viscosity, that is, the area of each 1cm2 and1cm2 away from the two-layer liquid for relative movement, the resultingfriction, known as the dynamic viscosity. Kinematic viscosity, also known asdynamic viscosity or internal friction coefficient. Is the ratio of the dynamicviscosity η of the liquid to the liquid density ρ at the same temperature, denoted by the symbol ν

ν = η / ρ. Kinematic viscosity at temperature t0C ν that due to the dynamic viscosity of the order of g / cm· s, the density of the order g / cm3, so the kinematic viscosity due to theunit: cm2 / s or mm2 / s. Kinematic viscosity is the internationally acceptedviscosity.

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